Tafelmusik would like to express gratitude to the following partners for their support.
2024/25 Presenting Sponsor
2024/25 Tour Sponsor
Foundation and Corporate Partners
Balfour Bowen Family Foundation
Bialkowski Foundation
Fiera Capital Corporation
Gatfield and Campbell Arts Foundation
Horst Dantz & Don Quick Fund
Jeanne Lamon & Christina Mahler Fund
Keith Foundation
MZ Media Inc.
Pollock Family Foundation
The George Wyhovszky Charitable Foundation
Government Partners
Media Sponsors
The Artistic Directors’ Circle represents our most visionary supporters, whose leadership-level giving empowers Tafelmusik to soar to new heights, season after season. Their generous commitment fuels our artistic ambition and drives the excellence that defines our performances.
$100,000 and above
BMO Financial Group^
Estate of Charles Anthony Paginton
Caroline, Sharon, and Janet Walker
The Azrieli Foundation
Margaret Catto^
Pollock Family Foundation
Fleck Family Foundation^
John & Judith Grant^
Lynn & James Haight^
Christopher & Colleen Paige^
Power Corporation of Canada^
Estate of David Smith
In memory of Pierre and Merlyn Beeckmans
Betty Shin Binon
Tom Bogart & Kathy Tamaki^
Fernando Martinez-Caro & Marietta Urbajtel
Michael Disney^
Al & Jane Forest^
Richard & Ellen Hoffmann^
Heather Howe & Greg Reed
David Kilburn & Tamara Peres
Valarie Koziol
Leon & Anita S. Lapidus
Tom MacMillan^
Elise Orenstein & Graham Savage
John & Maire Percy^
RBC Foundation^
Estate of Eva Saphir
Ron Schlumpf & Marie Venner
Joe & Judi Turkel
Jane Witherspoon & Brian Stewart^
With heartfelt gratitude, Tafelmusik honours the members of the Continuo Circle, whose leadership commitment fortifies the strength and artistic excellence of our orchestra and choir. Their unwavering support ensures that our music continues to inspire and captivate.
Robert & Susan Allair^
Monica R. Armour^
Julie Baumgartel
Tom Box^
Estate of Mary Louise Lamont
Robert Hunter
Alison M. Keith
W. Matheson
Metcalf Foundation^
Glenn Hodgins & Ann Monoyios^
Alec & Joyce Monro^
Robert Sirman & Denis Lefebvre
Charlotte Nediger & Ivars Taurins^
The McLean Foundation^
John Tidswell
Mary J. Turner^
Gary & Christine Vernon^
Margaret Ackerman
Matthew & Phyllis Airhart^
Dianne Azzarello & Steve Wilton
Richard J. Balfour^
Harvey Beresford & Jane Knox
Bill & Judith Bialkowski
Estate of Horst Dantz & Don Quick^
Reinhard & Marlene Dotzlaw^
Elinor Fillion^
Diane & Dick Freeborough^
Alex Grenzebach
Gordon and Pamela Henderson
Marion Lane & William Irvine^
Alison Mackay^
Theresa Man
In honour of Jeanne Lamon
Shirley Murray & Phil Schalm
Dr. M. L. Myers^
Young-Dae Park
Sandra Parsons & Allan Hansen^
Nicholas Rundall^
Valerie Schweitzer & Chris Reed^
Philip Somerville
Andrea Walker & Lawrence Crawford^
John & June Wevers^
Lei Xu
Anonymous (2)
Doug & Mary Lou Brock^
Bingbin Cheng
Donald Cooper^
Eloise Crabtree Carmichael^
Brian Dawson^
Jayne Dawson^
Janet Dewan
Suzanne Dubeau^
Tony Easty & Beth Savan^
Waltraud Erler
Fiera Capital Corporation
Richard Fischer, in memory of Dr. Nancy M. Dunne
Alice Fox^
Louise Freyburger
Margaret Genovese^
Sharon & Ken Giffen
John Gillies & Anne-Marie Prendiville^
Gary Goertz
John & Jane Grant^
Chester & Camilla Gryski^
Jill Humphries^
Michael & Judith John
Andy Kenins & Heather Kaine
David Kennedy^
Carol Kirsh^
Barbara & Dougal Macdonald
Eva MacDonald & David Robertson^
The Mackay family, in memory of Thomas George Mackay
Mundy McLaughlin
Anne Moir^
Carol Moore^
Blake Murray and Nancy Riley
MZ Media Inc.
Lorna Novosel^
Dr. Helen Ostovich^
Edita & Graeme Page
Angus D. Palmer
Leslie T. Reissner
Don Short & Heather Sampson^
Robert Sloan
Ann & David Taylor
Rick and Virginia Walker
Margaret Yamanaka^
Anonymous (2)
Tafelmusik extends its deepest gratitude to the generous Friends, whose annual donations lay a strong foundation for the continued vitality of our orchestra and choir. Their steadfast support sustains the music that enriches our community.
Balfour Bowen Family Foundation
Joan B. Berry
Elspeth Bowler
Helen G. & Harry Bowler^
Jeffrey Brown^
Antoinette Tumillo & John Carter
The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson^
Hilary Dawson^
Robert Gatfield
Jennifer M. Grassby^
Fran & Dermot Grove-White
Scott & Ellen Hand^
Mary-Ann Haney
Jerry Hogan^
Dorothea Hudec^
Adrian Ishak
Robert L. Iveson^
Jacklein Donor Advised Fund
In memory of Frances Kalisz
George Thomas Kapelos & Martin MacLachlan
Dr. Elizabeth Kocmur & James Baillie
Katherine Ridout
Martin Bhadra Charitable Gift Fund
Margaret G. Miller
Gillian Minshall
Pamela Parker
David & Barbara Payne^
Richard Phillips^
Emily Powers
Elaine & Dr. Mark Quigley
Ricker Family Fund
Joan E. Robinson^
Ivor M. & Renee Simmons^
Judy Skinner & Donald Altman^
Erika Steffer
Eugenia Venchiarutti^
Heather Young
Joyce and Fred Zemans
Anonymous (2)
Alain Bartleman
Alice Bastedo^
William Bateman^
B & P Craig^
Anne Elizabeth Crowley^
Rebecca Cook & Bernard Dickens^
Diane Fayerman Watson^
Judith L. McCormick^
Gatfield & Campbell Arts Foundation
Susan Han
Beatrice & Lawrence Herman
Naomi & Sandy Horodezky
Caroline Howes
Ms. Wendy Hunt^
Barbara Jackel
Mary Jessup^
Patrick G. Jordan^
Ludwig W. Kalchhauser^
Paul Kay in memory of Temma Gentles^
Keith Foundation
Kathleen Lang & Andrew Hackett
Karen Laurence
Bruce Lazerte
Eve Leyerle & Hubert Lum
Anthony Lysak^
Susan Baumann & Murray Marchant^
Anthony Partington
Jean Podolsky
Ms. Ellen Schwartzel
Linda Seppanen
Gary Sweet^
James & Barbara Tangney^
The George Wyhovszky Charitable Foundation
Patricia & Alasdair Urquhart^
Rosemary Vezina
Vito & Patricia Volterra^
Scott Whittington^
Anonymous (4)
Philip Anisman^
Richard Archbold
James & Penny Arthur
Virginia Atkin & Keith Ambachtsheer
Markus Biehl
Sara Blake^
Jean Bowman
Susan Bright & Peter Rowlands
John Britton
Richard Bull & Bryan Pipe^
Michele Bussieres
D. d’Astous & F. Campion
Deborah Cherry^
Janet Cleghorn
Thomas V. & Elizabeth S. Cohen^
Lloy Cook
Jane Couchman & Bill Found^
Leah Darke & Kerry Hobbs
Neil & Susan Dobbs^
Susan Done & Sean Mace^
Andrea Dorfman
Carol Dorman^
Esther & Jonathan Dostrovsky
James R. Dow^
Mrs. Anne J. Dyck
Richard & Sally Earls^
W. M. Feenstra^
Mark Ferguson
Jourdaine Finlay
Karen Finnemore
Will Fletcher
In memory of Al Forest
Isabelle Gibb
Peter & Carol Gould^
Diane Haag
Ethan Hall-Beyer
David Hamer
Paul Hotte
Anna Howes
David Hughes
Christopher & Margaret Ibey^
Alex Ihnatowycz
Susanna Jacob^
Alvin Jantzi
Jeanne Lamon & Christina Mahler
Christopher Johnson^
Susan Johnston
Rayna Jolley^
Sylvia Jones
Shirley Katz^
Pavle Kazinoti^
Brian Clarke^
Carolyn Knott
Julia Kuzeljevich
Arnold Lang^
Sean Lawrence & Esther Shipman
Trudo Lemmens
Maureen Lennon
Barbara Lloyd
Gillian & Oliver Long^
Joanna Manning, in memory of Josephine Toms
Ralph Manore
Peter Manson
Tim and Jane Marlatt^
Paul McIlroy^
Dr. Stephen McQuade
Marcellina Mian
Brian Bucknall & Mary Jane Mossman
Steve Munro^
Tristan Neill
Christopher O’Brien
Selma Odom^
E. M. Orsten^
Robert D. Page
Alison Parker^
Anne L. Parks
Stan Podwin
Georgia Quartaro
Margaret Rautenberg^
Carol-Lynn & Conrad Reifel
Jason Roberts^
Ian Robinson
Anthony Roper
Elaine Sidhu
James Stonehouse
Lynne Stott
Ian M. Taylor^
David Thomas
Eleanor Tilton
Penny & Hugh Tracy
Michelle Valliere^
Gary Vivian^
Christopher Wernham
Gloria Wiebe^
Ms. Joan Wilson
Alison Harvison Young & H. J. Wilton-Siegel
Derryk & Diane Wolven
Ann Woodland
Adrian & Janet Zenwirt
Michael Ziegler^
Anonymous (5)
G. Chalmers Adams
Carolyn & Andrew Alberti^
Tetyana Antimirova & Jean-Luc Pelissier
Susy Antal
Margaret & Stephen Arnold
Barbara Arthur
Marlene Auspitz
Marjorie Bain
Carolyn Baker
Mary Baldwin
Brian K. Barron
Peter & Leslie Barton
Carolyn Beatty
Eva Bednarowicz
Anne Biringer^
Ian & Janet Blue
Kalman Bohus^
Maureen Boulton
M. E. Bradshaw^
Richard & Donna Braggins
Patricia & Paul Brochu
Greg Brown
James Buck
Iivi Campbell^
Marie Campbell
Ellen & Brian Carr
Francine Chabot-Plante
Madeleine Cole
Amy Colson^
Barbara Cooper
Brian & Linda Corman^
Maria H. Corral
Murray Craik
Lynda Curnoe^
Dorothy Davey
Eva de Graaf^
David Derry
Carlos & Alicia Diaz^
Bob & Lynn Douglas^
Susan J. Thompson & Catherine Drew
Doris Earl
Barry Edwards
Brenda Ellenwood
Donald Elrick
Joyce Feinberg
Christopher Ferguson
Bruce M. P. Ferreira-Wells
S. Feser
Douglas Field
Tom Flemming^
Donna Fraser
Jerry & Judy Ginsberg^
Elaine Givertz
Peter Goddard
Brydon Gombay^
William Goodfellow
Vincent Gray
Anne Greaves
Ken & Patricia Hanson
Birgit Harley
Jenny Harper
Gerald & Deirdre Havey
D Herbert Heine
Linda Hellas
Brian & Cathy Hellyer
Lorraine Hill
Robert & Jean Hilliard^
Duncan Holmes & Derek Strachan
Barb & Lee Horigan
Cornelia Schuh & Michiel Horn^
Iris Horton
Susan Houston
Margaret A Hughes, in memory of Mary Henderson Vise
Jacqueline Jimenez
Quentin & Susan Johnson^
Pamela Jones^
George Kaminsky
Dr. Elaine Keillor^
Helen Keller
Tammy Kennedy^
Janis Kerr
Stephen Kilburn & Karen Kowalchuk
Hedy Kousen^
Ildiko Kovacs^
Ken & Kathy Lawday^
Lynn Ledgerwood
Jack Lee^
James Clark Leith
Elena Lemeneva
Yuqi Li
Greg Lichti
In memory of Lynda Katsuno
Adrian Macdonald
Diana Mackay
Mr. Peter K. Mak^
Neil McCallum
Sean McCluskey
David McCrady
In memory of Al Forest
Carol McLennan
Rosemary Meier^
Jeffrey Mendelsohn
Dr. Ellen Sue Mesbur
Pat Michalak
Annemiek Miller^
Sean Miller
Lynn & Peter Mills^
Peter Milovanovic
Glenda Milrod
Susan A. Mohring
Anne Montgomery^
David Montgomery
Margaret & Reid Morden^
Richard Mortimer
In honour of Helene & Bob Smagalas’ 50th wedding anniversary
Ann Mummenhoff
Patricia Munoz
Kirsti Nilsen
Ms. Michele Noble^
Jim & Sheila Northover^
Deirdre O’Connor^
Susan W. Osler^
Frances & Zigmund Parkin
David & Mary Ann Pearson^
Ellen Pekilis
Jan Pel
Carol Percy
Michael Perkins
Stephen Phillips^
Mary Pickford
Nick Plavac^
Jim Polk
A. Marion Pope^
Ms. Elizabeth Price^
Adam Quinan^
Isobel Raven^
Edward Richards
Kathryn Robinson
John Rose^
Dorothy Russel^
Sean Ryerson
Deborah Sabadash^
Fred & Brenda Saunders^
Bruce & Marilyn Schneider
Suzanne Schuh
Douglas R. Scott
Ingrid Shankland^
Elizabeth J. Shropshire
R. Tyler Siegel
Robert Simpson^
Nancy Smith Lea
Margaret Smuk^
M. J. Spearin^
Michael Stainton
Elaine & Joseph Steiner
Janet Stern
Gail Stevens
Mrs. J. T. Strong
Richard Sumner
Jane Swarney
In memory of Al Forest
Anthony ten Kortenaar
Martha Ter Kuile
Gudrun Thalenhorst
Peter S. Thompson^
Rochelle Thompson^
Leslie Thomson
Ihor Tomkiw^
Rosy Tretjakewitsch
Michael Treuman^
Luisa Trisi
Michaela Tudor
Laura Tuohy
Line Van Kempen
Evelyn Veale
Carol Vine
Heather Vogan
Colin & Mariana Waite^
Anne Wehrle
Susan Weidt
Andrew J West
Laurie White
Raymond Whitehead^
Andrew Wickens
Jim Wigmore & Penelope Connor
Barbara & Robert Willson^
Hilary Windover^
Julia Winster
Walter Wodchis
Bing Wong
Lilly Wong
Martha Wright
Cristina Zacharias & Ed Reifel
Anonymous (15)
^ indicates donors who have been giving for over 20 years