Jeanne Lamon Hall, Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre

June 6, 2025 8:00 pm

Only seven motets by Johann Sebastian Bach have survived, but these works had a profound influence on generations of German composers.

Countless composers have been inspired by Bach’s remarkable ability to infuse complex and masterful counterpoint with a profound and nuanced expression of the text. In this intimate concert we weave a tapestry of choral colours and textures: works by Bach provide the warp, and motets by Homilius, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Rheinberger, and Reger provide the multi-hued weft. Illuminating this choral tapestry are movements from Bach’s suites for solo cello, performed by Tafelmusik’s Michael Unterman.

Box Office
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Running Time
75 minutes
Style of Music


Directed by Ivars Taurins
Tafelmusik Chamber Choir
Michael Unterman cello
Charlotte Nediger organ


Bach                            Kyrie

                                    Sei Lob und Preis

                                    Lobet den Herrn


Homilius                     Seid fröhlich

Mendelssohn              Herr, gedenke nicht, op. 79, no. 4

Brahms                        Es ist das Heil, op. 29, no. 1

                                    Ach, arme Welt, op. 110, no. 2

Rheinberger               Abendlied, op. 69, no. 3

Reger                          Morgengesang, op. 138, no. 2

                                    Der Mensch lebt, op. 138. no. 1

                                    Schlachtgesang, op. 138, no. 7

With movements from Bach Suites for solo cello

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